Cancellation, Refund Policy, and Procedures:
Thank you for your business and interest in our J-1 Cultural Exchange, J-1 Summer Work & Travel, and C1D Programs, DORRYUS Recruitment & Employment Agency values your business. Kindly note the following policies:
Application Fee
Cancellation Policy
Refund Policy
Refund Procedures
Terms & Conditions
Application Fee – DORRYUS Recruitment & Employment Agency requires all potential applicants to pay a mandatory application fee in the sum of two thousand five hundred Jamaican dollars $2500.00 non-refundable to fully register for all cultural exchange programs, namely: J-1 Internship, J-1 Training, J-1 Summer Work & Travel (SWT), and C1D visa. The application fee is non-refundable and is valid for the said applicant for one year.
Cancellation Policy – If after the applicant makes program fee payment to the US Department of State Designated sponsor, and DS 2019 documents are being processed, the applicant chooses to cancel their contract before obtaining the J-1 Visa. He/she is liable to pay the cost incurred by the sponsor for document processing, agency cancellation fee, and sponsor cancellation fee.
If the applicant makes a program fee payment to the US Department of State Designated sponsor, and the applicant obtains their J-1 or C1D Visa. He/she is liable to pay the cost incurred by the sponsor for document processing, agency cancellation fee, and sponsor cancellation fee.
If the applicant did not make program fee payment to the US Department of State Designated sponsor before they are selected for a job in the US, and the applicant does not obtain a J-1 Visa. He/she is not liable for any cancellation fee.
CONDITIONS OF CANCELLATION – Please be advised that there is a cancellation fee of USD 450 for your program which Dorryus will withhold if you cancel your program after the sponsor issues DS 2019. If you are denied the visa Dorryus will also withhold USD 450 for program and administrative processes. Once you have accepted and signed your program offer letter this fee applies immediately.
In addition to the Dorryus cancellation fee, sponsors will also withhold the cancellation fee based on the following:
Cancellation received before the DS-2019 is issued will be subject to a $500 cancellation fee (after program acceptance).
Cancellations received after the DS-2019 is issued will be subject to a $650 cancellation fee, providing the unused;
DS-2019 form is VOIDED and emailed to sponsors within 10 days of issue. > In the case of a visa denial, an applicant must VOID the DS-2019 form and return the unused VOIDED DS-2019 form via email to the email address provided by sponsors along with proof of the denial from the embassy within 10 business days of the denial. > Once the sponsor receives the VOIDED DS-2019 form, a $500.00 denial fee will be withheld. Refunds will not be issued if the DS-2019 form is not returned via email within 10 business days of denial – No exceptions.
> Refunds will be forfeited if the DS-2019 form is returned/received/emailed after the start date listed on the DS form.
Refund Policy – When the applicant is offered a contract via the sponsor mentioned above, job placement is approved, and the applicant chooses to cancel, the applicant is liable to pay cancellation fees to the sponsor and the agency. The applicant will be refunded payments made to the sponsor and the agency, minus the cancellation fees. Any queries relating to refund must be made in writing indicating a refund request and must state a valid reason for cancellation separate from visa denial. Refunds will be processed by the Agency and Sponsor independently, by extension, the agency will assist in retrieving refunds from the sponsor, but cannot be held liable for the sponsor's decision on refunds. The agency will make refund payments to the applicant via bank transfers, or cheques within thirty (45) business days of the request for payments made to the agency.
Requesting Refund Procedure – The following procedural steps are to be followed when requesting refunds:
Applicants must write to the agency indicating their intent to cancel/withdraw from the program with valid reasons.
Applicants must write to the sponsor indicating their intent to cancel/withdraw from the program with valid reasons.
Applicants will receive a response from the agency, approving the request.
Applicants must fill out a refund request form provided by the agency.
Payment can be made to the applicant within (45) business days of request.
Applicants will sign the receipt of documents once refunded.
Terms & Conditions - The following statements are understood and acknowledged:
1 – Applicants are required to submit all necessary documents to be considered for any opportunities.

2 – Applicants must attend a screening to be eligible for interviews with any of our sponsors or partners for opportunities. (J-1 Training, J-1 Internship, J-1 Summer Work & Travel Cultural Exchange, Cruise Ships, Cargo Ships, or Canadian Visa Employment Program).
3 – Applicants will be kept on file for one full year and will be eligible for interviews once the opportunity is available.
4 – Applicant document application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

5 - Applicants understood that some opportunities may cost more, and by extension are prepared to make payments as necessary.

6 – Applicants must wear appropriate attire for interviews.

7 – Applicants must be of the required age (18 – 35 J-1 Internship & Training, 18 – 29 J-1 Summer Work & Travel) to be eligible to apply.

8 – Applicants must comply with the instructions above.
I certify that all the above information given on your application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and acknowledge DORRYUS Recruitment & Employment Agency the right to refuse registration if the information herein is found to be untrue or misrepresented.